YouTube Channel Starting? 

Many of you started YouTube channels during this pandemic lockdown, but you don't know how to optimize your YouTube channel? If you are already a YouTuber or you have an idea but haven't yet started, many people have a doubt that starting a YouTube channel in 2021 will give any growth in your channel. The answer is definitely "YES".

After 2 or 3 years, it will definitely make you feel better. The best time to start your YouTube channel is RIGHT NOW! In some cases, you have already started a YouTube channel, but for some reason. Currently, you may not continue. Some people are perplexed: where should I begin, and what topic should I choose? First, you have to create a YouTube Business account for your channe

Customize the Layout

Then, show your channel page to your audience (In YouTube Studio you can make all your customizations, i.e. Channel Trailer Video is for people who haven't subscribed to your channel yet. You have to make a video of 30 seconds to explain the objective and how it can help your audience).

"Featured videos are for returning subscribers; they are the fans of your channel. Do effective videos consistently for them"

How to create a YouTube branding watermark for your channel?

    This is going to be quick to get this branding watermark on your channel. So all you do is go to your channel, then you go to Creator Studio, and then you go to Channel on the left-hand side of the screen. You're gonna go to Branding, so this is where your branding watermark lives. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you how to create two different kinds of watermarks, depending on what kind of look you want for your watermark. So what we're gonna do first is I'm just gonna remove this and take it off so that we can go back to scratch and start from scratch.

TYPES-    1. YouTube brand image

                  2. Custom brand image( Size: 400 x 400 Pixels)


The video description is usually underestimated and undervalued. You should best utilize the box under the video to show the value your video offers so that viewers can see why your video is the one they should choose to watch.

Along with the title and tags, a decent description will decide whether or not your video will be ranked in search results. You have a character restriction of 5000 characters, so use them wisely.

How to write effective YouTube descriptions?

    • Don’t Use A Link In The Very Beginning Of Your Description If you don’t want to damage your search rankings, then don’t use the link to your website.
    • Make a brief synopsis of your video. Try to use your main keywords along with your complimentary keywords in the first 100-300 words.
    • The Rule Of The First 5 Lines When you search for videos on YouTube and on the search results page
    • Create A Template In The Upload Default Settings To Create A Template You can create a template and use it whenever you upload a new video.
    • Don’t add misleading information. I see a lot of videos having blocks of keywords in the description, and this is considered a violation of YouTube’s terms of service and can risk your account being terminated.
    • Use hashtags in your description. Adding relevant hashtags to your videos will help your viewers to find your content if they are searching for related videos.

Channel URL:

It is the web address of your channel, includes unique characters, letters, numbers, and symbols. In the future, you can also customize this link according to the channel name. 

Customizable link :

Add links to sites you want to share with your viewers. Indicate which links you would like to display on the banner of your channel homepage. You can add up to 5 Link maximum. Custom Link (shown in your Banner)