Full-Stack Development 101: Understanding the Basics, Benefits, and Career Path

How to become a full-stack web developer?

What is Full-stack Development?

 I'm sure you all must have heard that front and back web development, but what is full-stack web development now full-stack web development basically involves front-end and back-end web development. 

  • It requires in-depth knowledge of the different scripting languages like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, which make the web look more interactive and Alive. 
  • It also requires high-level programming languages such as Java, Python, and so on to code the server-side apart from these you also require experience in working with JavaScript Frameworks, like node.js, and libraries such as jQuery.

How a front-end and back-end Works?

Front end

            Let's look at the layers of full-stack first we have the presentation layer or the front end of the web this layer helps you interact with the web watch videos perform actions like register to when online shopping site, whenever you serve a website the different fonts images and the content of the website forms a presentation or the front end of that website. So basically the design look and feel of the web is accomplished with the help of HTML CSS and JavaScript.

Back end 

            Now, this layer forms a dynamic connection between the front end and the database. So every time you search the web it's the logic layer that transmits your requirements to the database and Returns what you searched for all of this is powered by a web server. Now in order to get this layer working. It's important to know at least one of the programming languages such as python Java or C, hash.  

Database layer

 The layer is a massive Warehouse of information it Contains a database repository that captures and stores information from the front end through the back end. Now a prerequisite over here is to have knowledge of how data is stored edited retrieved and so on languages such as MySQL Mongo DB are a must to know. 

Type of web developers

Front-end developers

The front-end developers are responsible for a website's look and feel these developers must be Masters in three main languages, which are HTML CSS, and JavaScript. 

They also need to be familiar with Frameworks like bootstrap angular js and ember.js which make the website look more interactive and Alive libraries, like jQuery also help to package code into a lightweight and compatible form now moving on to the back end developers.

Back end developer

The back end of a website consists of three components the server the application and a database a back-end developer creates and maintains the web server application and the database which allows the front end of the website to be Great to make the server application and a database to communicate with each other back end developers use server-side languages like PHP Ruby python Java and.net to build an application. 

They are also required to operate on tools like MySQL SQL Mongo DB in order to fetch tour or edit data and then serve it back to the user in the front end now guys, this is how back end developers work now moving on to full-stack developers.

Full-stack developer

The term full-stack developer was popularized in a meeting around eight years ago when Facebook announced that they are looking to hire only full-stack web developers now basically a full-stack developer should be knowledgeable enough to work on both the front and technology and the backend technology. 

  • So he needs to have an understanding of how the web works at each and every level including setting up and configuring Linux or Windows servers coating server-side APIs running the client-side of the application by using JavaScript. 
  • Structuring and designing the web page with CSS and HTML a full stack developer is like the Jack of all trades one must have enough knowledge to run both the client and the scripting side.

Reasons as to why you should practice full-stack development

let's discuss a few key points about why one must practice full-stack web development. One of the reasons is that developers can choose from a rich set of tools and technologies for creating and designing unique code. 

  • They are not restricted to a certain set of tools for development because there is n number of Frameworks and libraries that will assist a full stack developer and achieving an effective web application.
  • The best thing about working as a full-stack developer is that you're not restricted to only development as a full stack developer you can design and style your application.
  • And then if you're bored of Designing, you can probably switch to your developer mode now developed skills come into handy when you want to create a functional and bug-free application
  • Full-stack developer is basically Create a person who can both develop and design an application.
  • A full-stack developer of web development after mastering every scripting and programming language and working alongside several Frameworks and libraries.
  • A full-stack developer is no less than a master. Of course, one requires to have work experience and a lot of knowledge but nothing is unachievable.
  • If you have the will to do it apart from that a full stack developer is highly valued in all parts of the world.
  • In the US the average salary of a full-stack developer is over a hundred and ten thousand dollars not only in the US all around the world full-stack developers are in high demand.